Composer List (2000.9.19)
 われわれKFABがこれまでに取り上げた作曲家、および、その曲について 調べた情報等を中心に提供していこうと思います。また、ブラス・アンサンブルのCD で取り上げられている作曲者名も追加していきたいと思います。


Composer List
A Abreu, Zequinha (1880-1935:ブラジル)
Tico Tico
Albeniz, Isaac (1860-1909:西)
  Albinoni, Tomaso (1671-1750:伊) Albrici, Vincenzo (1631-1696:伊)
  Altenburg, Hohann Ernst (1734-1801) Arban, Jean-Baptiste (1825-1889:仏)
  Arnold, Malcolm (b.1921:英)
Brass Quintet
Arutiumian, Alxander(b.1920:アルメニア共和国)
Armenian Scenes
  Aston, Hugh (c.1480-1522:英) Attaignant, Pierre D. (1494-1552?)
Dances of the French Renaissance
  Azevedo, Valdir  
B Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788) Bach, Jan(b.1937)
  Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750:独)
Prelude and Fugue in E minor BWV.555
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Kantate BWV 140
Bachiler, Daniel (1560-1610)
  Barbaer, Samuel (1910-1981:米) Barber, Samuel (1910-1981:米)
  Banchieri, Adriano (1567-1634) Barboteu, Georges (b.1924:アルジェリア)
  Bartok, Bela (1881〜1945:ハンガリー) Bax, Arnold (1883-1953)
  Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney (1867-1944:米) Beach, Bennie (b.1925:米)
  Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827:独) Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835:伊)
  Benelli, A. Bennett, Richard Rodney (b.1936)
  Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869:仏) Berkeley, Michael
  Bernstein, Lenord (1918-1990:米)
West Side Story
Dance Suite
Biber, Heinrich lgnaz Franz (1644-1704:ボヘミア)
  Bizet, Georges (1838-1875:仏)
Carmen Suite
Bo, Nilsson (b.1937)
  Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975:英) Boehme, Oskar (1870-1938)
  Bolcom, Wiliam (b.1938) Borodin, Alexander Porphyrevitch(1833-1887:露)
  Bourgeois, Derek (b.1941) Boyce, William (1710-1797)
  Bozza, Eugene (b.1905:仏)
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897:独)
  Brant, Henry (b.1913) Brehm, Alvin (b.1925)
  Brian, Havergal (1876-1972) Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976:英)
  Bruckner, Josef Anton (1824-1896:オーストリア) Bull, John (1562/63-1628:英)
  Byrd, William (1543-1622:英)
Earle of Oxford's March
C Caccini, Giulio (1551-1618:伊) Casals, Pablo (1876-1973)
  Calvert, Morley(1928-1991:カナダ)
Suite from the "Monteregian Hills"
Campra, Andre (1660-1744:仏)
  Carmichael, Hoagy
Chabrier, Alexis-Emmanuel(1841-1894:仏)
  Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1634-1704:仏) Chatschaturjan, Aram I.(1903-1978)
  Cherubini, Maria Luigi (1760-1842:伊) Chopin, Fradgric Franqois (1810-1849:ポーランド)
  Clarke, Jeremiah (1669-1707) Claude, Le Jeune(ca.1530-1600)
  Coleman, Cy (b.1929) Copland, Aaron (1900-1990:米)
  Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713) Couperin, Francois (1668-1733)
  Crespo, Enrique (b.1941:ウルグアイ)
Suite Americana No.1 for Brass Quintet
Crosse, Gordon
D Dahl, Ingolf (1912-1970) Debussy, Achille Claude(1862-1918:仏)
La fille aux cheveux de lin
  Devreese, Frederic Diabelli, Anton (1781-1858:オーストリア)
  Diaz, Gabriel (1590-1638) Dodgson, Stephen
  Druckman, Jacob Duben, andreas(1597-1662)
  Dukas, Paul (1865-1935:仏)
"La Peri" - Fanfare
Dupre, Marcel (1886-1971)
  Durko, Zsolt Dvorak, Anton (1841-1904:チェコ)
E Eccard, Johann (1553-1611) Eisenach, Johann Jakob Lowe von (1629-1703)
  Elgar, Edward (1857-1934:英) Elert, Karg
  Enesco, Georges (1881-1955) Ewald, Victor Vladimirovich(1860-1935:露)
Brass Quintet
  Ewazen, Eric  
F Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946:西) Faure, Gabriei Urbain (1845-1924:仏)
  Farnaby, Giles (1565-1640:英)
Fields, Dorothy (1904-1974)
  Finck, Heinrich (1445-1527) Folke, Rabe (b.1935)
  Foster, Stephen Collins (1826-1864:米) Frackenpohl, Arther (b.1924)
  Franck, Cesar Franck, Melchior (1573-1639:独) 
  Franker, Robert W. Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643)
  Friederich, GWE.(1821-1885) Frigyes, Hidas (b.1928)
  Fucik, Julius Arnost Vilem (1872-1916) Funck, David (ca.1630-1690)
G Gabrieli, Andrea (1553-1585) Gabrieli, Giovanni (1554/57-1612:伊)
Canzon Septimi Toni No.2
Sonata Pian e Forte
  Gade, Jacob
Gange, Kenneth
  Ganne, Gustave Louis (1862-1923) Ganzer, Karl
  Gershwin, George (1893-1937:米) Gemblaco, Jahannes Franchois (um 1400)
  Gervaise, Claude (a1540-a1560)
Dances of the French Renaissance
Gesualdo, Don Carlo (c1561-1613)
  Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625) Gigout, Eugene (1844-1925)
  Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983:アルゼンチン) Glazounov, Alexander(1865-1936)
  Gliere, Reinhold Moritzovitch (1875-1956:ウクライナ/ソ連) Glinka, Michail (1804-1857:露)
  Glucj, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787) Gounod, Charles Francois(1818-1893:仏)
  Grainger, Percy (1882-1961) Granados y Campina, Enrique (1867-1916)
  Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (1843-1907:ノルウェー) Grillo, Giovanni Battista (c.1590-c.1622:伊)
  Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787-1863) Guilmant, A.(1837-1911)
  Gussago, Cesario (a1599-a1612)  
H Hammerschmidt, Anreas (1611-1675) Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685〜1759:独)
The Arrival of The Queen of SHEBA
The Harmonious Blacksmith
Ombra Mai Fu from "Xerxes"
Water Music
The Saints' Hallelujah
  Harvey, Roger Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612)
  Hawards, Elgar (b.1935)
Four Swiss Tunes
Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809:オーストリア)
  Hazell, Chris
Star Gazing
from the Three Brass Cats
Henze, Hans Werner (b.1926:独)
  Henry, VIII (1491-1547:英)
Rose Without A Thorn - The King in Love and Grief
Hermansson, Christer(b.1943)
  Hindemith, Paul (1895-1963:独) Horovitz, Joseph (1926-:オーストリア)
Music Hall Suite
  Holborne, Anthony (c.1584-1602) Holmboe, Vagn (b.1909:デンマーク)
  Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874-1934:英) Horwarth, Elgar (b.1935)
  Hovhaness, Alan (1911-2000) Hummel,Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837)
I Isaac, Heinrich (1450-1634) Ivan, Jevtic (b.1947)
  Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich (1849-1927:露) Ives, Charles (1874-1954)
  Iwan, Lundquist Torbjorn (b.1920)  
J Jackson, Ambrose Janacek, Leos (1854-1928:チェコ)
  Jenkins, John (1592-1678) Jolivet, Andre (1905-1974:仏)
  Joplin, Scott (1868-1917:米)
The Easy Winners
K Khachaturyan, Aram Ilich
Klengel, Julius (1859-1933)
  Koetsier, Jan (b.1911:蘭)
Brass Symphony
Grassauer Zweifacher op.105/3b
Kreisler, Friz (1875-1962:オーストリア)
  Kubik, Gail (1914-1984) Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722)
L Lanchbery, John (b.1923) Langford, Gordon
London Miniatures
  Lappi, Pietro (c.1575-1630) Lara, Agustin (1900-1969)
  Larsson, Mats(b.1965) Lasso, Orlando Di (1532?-1594)
  Lassus, Orlandus (1532-1594) Lennon, John
Penny Lane & Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da
  Leroy, Camille Liszt, Franz (1811-1886:ハンガリー)
  Locatelli, Pietro (1695-1764) Locke, Matthew(1630-1677:英)
  Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1630-1687:伊/仏) Lutoslawski, Witold (b.1913)
M Maillot, Jean Mancini, Henry (1924-1994:米)
The Pink Panther
The Days of Wine and Roses
  Marini, Biagio (c.1587-1663:伊)
Canzona a 4da op.8
Mascagni, Pietro (1863-1945:伊)
  Massaino, Tiburtio (c.1559-c.1610) Maurer, Ludwig (1789-1878:独)
Morgen Gruss Zwolf Kleine Stucke/"Morgengruss"
  Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847:独) Monterde, Bernardino Bautista
La Macarena
  Monti, Vittorio (1868-1922:伊) Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643:伊)
  Morera, Enric Morriceone, Ennio
  Mouret, Jean-Joseph (1682-1738:仏)
Rondo from "le Suite des Symphonies"
Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839-1881:露)
  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791:オーストリア) Muffat, Georg (1653-1704)
N 成田 為三 (1894-1945:日)
Nystedt, Knut(b.1915)
O Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880:独/仏) Orff, Carl (1895-1982:独)
  Orr, Buxton (1924-1997:スコットランド)  
P Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706:独) Parker, Jim
A Londoner in New York
  Passereau, Pierre Paselius, A.
  Pathetique, Ludwig van Peuerl, Paul (1570-1625?)
  Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694:独) Phalese, Pierre (1510-1574?)
  Philidor, Andre (1726-1795) Plog, Anthony
  Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963:仏)
Sonate pour cor, trombone et trompette
Praetorius, Michael(1571-1621:独)
Danses de Terpsochore(1612)
Dances from "TERPSICHORE",1612
  Premru, Raymond(b.1934:米)
Five Movements from Divertimento
Previn, Andre(b.1929)
  Prokoviev, Sergei Sergeiecich (1891-1953:露) Pucini, Giacomo (1858-1924)
  Purcell, Henry (1659-1695:英)
e from Abdelazar
R Raabe, Gerson (b.1960) Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683-1764:仏)
  Ramsoe, Wilhelm(1837-1895) Rautavaara, Einojuhani(b.1928:フィンランド)
  Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937:仏)
Reger, Max (1837-1916)
  ReiChe, Gottfried (1667-1734) Reitzenstein, Christoph von (b.1934)
  Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936:伊) Reynaud, J.
  Richards, Goff (b.1944:英)
Homage to the Noble Grape
Riddle, Nelson
  Rimskii-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908:露) Rodgers, Richard (1902-1979)
The Sound of Music
  Rodriguez, Gerardo Mattos
Roman, Hohan Helmich(1694-1758)
  Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868:伊) Rouders, Poul
  Ruggles, Carl (1876-1971)  
S Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921:仏) Salzedo, Charles Lenord (1885-1961:仏)
Divertiment for Three Trumpets and Three Trombones
  Sampson, David (b.1951) Satie, Erik (1866-1925:仏)
  Scarlatti, Domenico (1685-1757:伊)
Sonata K380, K430, K443
Schantl, Gerorg
Frisch auf jagd
  Scheidt, Samuel (1587-1654):独)
Galliard Battaglia
Schein, Johann Hermann(1586-1630)
  Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich (1623-1688) Schostakowitsch, Dmitri (1906-1975)
  Schubert, Franz (1797-1828:オーストリア) Schuller, Gunther (b.1925)
  Schumann, Robert Alexander (1810〜1856:独) Sciortino, Patrice
  Shapey, Ralph Sibelius, Jean(1865-1957:フィンランド)
  Siebert, Wilhelm Dieter (1931) Simon, Anton (1851-1918:仏/露)
  Smetana, Bedrich (1824-1884:ボヘミア) Solomon, Edward S.
  Sondheim, Stephen (1930- )
Send in the Clowns
A Little Night Music
Sousa, John Philip (1854-1932:米)
  Sparke, Philip (b.1951) Speer, Georg Daniel (1636-1707)
  Staigers, Del (1899-1950) Stanley, John (1713-1786)
  Storl, Jahann Georg Christian (1675-1719:独) Strauss, Johann II(1825-1899:オーストリア)
  Strauss, Richard (1864-1949:独) Stravinsky, Igor(1882-1971:露)
  Susato, Tylman (1500-1562:蘭) Sven-David, Sandstrom (b.1942)
T Taylor, Billy (b.1921) Tchaikovsky, Peter Iiyich (1840-1893:露)
  Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767:独) Tippett, Micharl (1905-1998)
  Tomasi, Henri (1901-1971:仏)
Fanfares Liturgiques
Torelli, Giuseppe (1658-1709)
  Torre, Francisco de la (1483-1504) Toru, Takemitsu (1930-1996)
  Tull, Fisher (b.1934)  
U Uber, David
A Day at the Camptown Races
Uhl, Alfred
V Valla-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959) Vecchi, Orazio Tiberio (1550-1605:伊)
  Vejvanovsky, Joseph Paul (1639-1693) Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901:伊)
  Viadana, Ludovico Grossi da(1560-1627:伊)
Sinfonia "La Padovana"
Vivaldi, Antonia (1678-1841:伊)
CONCERT pour 4 Trombones
  Volksweise, A.  
W Wagner, Richard (1813-1883:独) Waller, Fats (1904-1943)
  Walton, William (1902-1983:英)
"Spitfire" Prelude and Fugue
Weber, Carl Maria Von (1786-1826:独)
  Weck, Johann (1495-1536) Weill, Kurt (1900-1950:独)
  Welcher, Dan (b.1948:米) Werner, Henze Hans (b.1926:独)
  Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937:仏) Write, Maurice
X Xenakis, Iannis (b.1922:ギリシャ)  
Y Yupanqui, Atahualpa  
Z Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745:ボヘミア) Zindars, Earl (b.1927:米)
米:アメリカ、英:イギリス、伊:イタリア、独:ドイツ、仏:フランス、西:スペイン、 蘭:オランダ、露:ロシア

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Created By Kazuya Izuta