Guest Book

Thank you for coming our homepage. If you have a question, an opinion, your impression and your wishes, please write the following.

About yourself

   your name    
   E-mail address 
   Homepage Address  

your age?

Your sex
Man Weman

Do you belong to music band? or Did you?
 Yes  No

If you answer "Yes", what band?(Band nam), and what instrument do you play?

Please answer the following questions

Q1.How many time did you see this page? And How often do you check this page?

Q2.How did you know this page?

If you check others

Q3.Have you been to KFAB concert?
Yes No

When is the concert (the how many times) of it?

Q4.If you have a question, an opinion, your impression and your wishes, please write here.

Thank you for your answer. Please push "Send" button.

I will make the contents of this guest book reference of future activity.
It is not used for the other purpose.

【KFAB Home】 【Introduction】 【Member List】 【Concert Info】
Created By Kazuya Izuta