Baroque Brass/フーガの技法(CBS SONY:K25C 372)(record) HANDEL:Aria , PALESTRINA:Ricercare Del Primo Tuono ALBINONI:Suite en sol Allegro-Grave-Allegro PEUERL:Canzona No.1 , PEZEL:Intrada,Sarabande and Bal PURCELL:King Arthur Allegro and Air DES PREZ:Heth Sold Ein Meisken BACH:The Art of Fugue Contrapunkutus No.9 BACH:Fantasie in C Major GABRIELI:Canzona per Sonare No.2 HOLBONE:Five Pieces , PRIULI:Canzone Seconda a 6 SCHEIN:Paduana and Galliard BYRD:Alleluia,Alleluia , SCHEIDT:Canzona Bergamasca Trumpet:Rolf Smedvig, Charies A.Lewis Jr. Horn:David Ohanian Trombone:Norman Bolter Tuba, Euph:Samuel Pilafian Assisting:Percussion:Thomas Gauger,Horn:Peter Gordon
Renaissance Brass/スーパー・ヴィルトウオーゾ・ブラス (CBS SONY:K25C 372)(record) ジョゼッフォ・グアミ:カンツオン第19番 ホルボーン:エリザベス朝期の舞踏組曲 ヨハネス・ギレリン:ラ・アルフォンシーナ アンドレア・ガブリエリ・第12旋法のリチェルカーレ ジョン・アドソン:宮廷マスクのための3つのエアー ジョヴァンニ・ガブリエリ:カンツオーナ第3番 作者不詳:2本のトランペットのための2つのファンファーレ ハインリッヒ・イザーク:3つの小品 マシュウ・ロック:国王陛下のサックバットとコルネット楽団のための音楽 ザムエル・シャイト:フランスの主題によるカンツオーナ ヨハン・ペーツエル:「午後10時」より ソナタ第22番 ウイリアム・ブレイド:2つの祝典舞曲 Trumpet:Rolf Smedvig, Charies A.Lewis Jr. Horn:David Ohanian Trombone:Norman Bolter Tuba:Samuel Pilafian Assisting:Percussion:Thomas Gauger,Horn:Daniel Kaizen
The American Brassband Journal (CBS SONY:25AC 65)(record) さらば、わがいとしのリリー 、シグナル・マーチ エレン・ベイン、 行進曲「大洋の湖」、 アメリカ愛国歌「ヘイル・コロンビア」 宝石ワルツ、 結婚のショッティッシュ、 アニー・メイ リリー・リー、 マギー、私のそばに、 ヤンキー・ドウードル リリー・ベル、 マルセイユ賛歌、 虹のショッティッシュ 老犬トレイ、 ケンタッキーのわが家、 プリマドンナ・ワルツ ペルハム・ショッティッシュ、 古い丸太小屋 主人は冷たい土の下にーアメリカ国家「星条旗」 さらば、わがいとしのリリー エンパイア・ブラス・クインテットと友人たち Trumpet:ロルフ・スメドヴィック、アンドレ・コメ、チャールズ・レヴィス、アルマンド・ギタルラ Horn:ダヴィット・オハニアン、ジョン・スワロー、ジョン・テイラー Trombone:ノーマン・ボルター Tuba:アミュエル・ピラフィアン スネアドラム:アーサー・プレス パーカッション:トーマス・ゴーガー
Encores (DIGITAL RECORDING:K25C 392)(record) L.BERNSTEIN:Suite from "West Side Story" J.P.SOUSA:Washington Post March G.GERSHWIN:Suite from "Porgy and Bess" S.JOPLIN:Paragon Rag Trumpet:Rolf Smedvig, Charies A.Lewis Jr. Horn:David Ohanian Trombone:Donald Sanders Tuba:Samuel Pilafian
A Bach Festival The Empire Brass with Douglass Major, organ 1. Jauchzet, frhlocket!(Christmas Oratorio, BWV.248) 2. Wie will ich mich freuen(Cantata BWV.146, Wir musen durch viel Trusal) 3. Sleepers, Wake!(Cantata BWV.140 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme) 4. Concerto and Alleluja(Cantata BWV.142 Uns ist ein Kind geboren) 5. Three Chorales: Nun lob', mein Seel', den Herrn -- Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern -- In dulci jubilo(brass only) 6. In dulci jubilo, BWV.729 (organ solo) 7. Nun danket Alle Gott(Cantata BWV.79 Gott, der Herr ist Sonn' und Schild) 8. Sinfonia(Cantata BWV.29 Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir) 9. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring(Cantata BWV.147 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben) 10. Sinfonia(Easter Oritorio, BWV.249) 11. Allein Gott in der Hh sei Ehr' BWV.664 12. Three Chorales: Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr' -- Christ lag in Todesbanden -- O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (brass only) 13. Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten (Cantata BWV.78 Jesu, der du meine Seele) 14. Sheep May Safely Graze(Cantata BWV.208 Was mir behagt) 15. Wir glauben all' in einem Gott BWV.680 (organ solo) 16. A mighty Fortress Is Our God(Cantata BWV.80 Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott) (total Time:66:06)
Empire Brass In Japan クロード・ドビュッシー フリッツ・クライスラー 1.前奏曲”ベルガマスク”組曲より 13.愛の悲しみ 2.サラバンド”ピアノのために”より ラルフ・ヴォーン・ウィリアムス 3.夏の風の神、パンに祈るために”6つの古代の墓碑銘”より 14.テューバ協奏曲より第1楽章 テューバ独奏 4.雪の上の足あと”前奏曲集第1巻”より コール・ポーター 5.亜麻色の髪の乙女”前奏曲集第1巻”より 15.リーダー・オブ・ア・ビッグ・タイム・バンド モーリス・ラヴェル デイヴィッド・チェスキー 6.高雅で感傷的なワルツ 16.セントラル・パークの朝 7.ハバネラ”耳で聞く風景”より ジェリー・ロール・モートン ホアキン・トゥリーナ 17.ブラック・ボトム・ストンプ 8.饗宴 交響詩「幻想舞曲集」より ファッツ・ウォーラー ジュナン/アーバン 18.浮気はやめた 9.ベニスの謝肉祭 トランペット独奏 伝承曲/サミュエル・ピラフィアン編 ラファエル・メンデス 19.聖者の行進 10.ロマンツア トランペット独奏 スミス モンデルデ 20.ブギー・ウギー 11.マカレナの乙女 トランペット独奏 スーザ ユージン・ボザ 21.星条旗よ永遠なれ 12.森にて ホルン独奏
Bernsterin/Gershwin/Tilson Thomas Leonard Berntein Leonard Bernstein Highlights from West Side Story Selections from Mass 1.America 11.In Nomine Patris / De Profundis 2.Something's 12.Simple Song 3.Maria 13.Sanctus 4.Tonight 5.Somewhere Michael Tilson Thomas 14.Street Song George Gershwin Slections from Porgy & Bess 6.I Got Plenty O'Nuttin' 7.Summertime 8.My Man's Gone Now 9.Bess, You Is My Woman 10.It Ain't Necessarily So
Organ, Brass & Percussion Eugene Gigout 1.Grand Choeur Dialogue Marcel Dupre 2.Poeme Heroique, Op.33 Francis Poulenc 3-9.Suite Francaise Claudio Monteverdi 10.Deus in Adjutorium from Vespers Georg Philipp Telemann 11-13.Heldenmusik Alan Hovhaness 14.The Prayer of Saint Gregory Jeremiah Clarke 15.Trumpet Tune Henry Purcell 16.Voluntary on the Doxology(Old 100th) 17.Trumpet Tune and Bell Symphony Richard Strauss 18.Feierlicher Einzug Karg-Elert 19.Nun Danket Alle Gott Andre Campra 20.Rigaudon
Music of Gabrieli Giovanni Gabrieli(1554/57-1612) Heinrich Isaac 1.Sacrae symphoniae(1597) 13.VI.Instrumentalsatz ohne Titel Canzon duodecimi toni 14.Canzon X(1615) 2.Canzon XVI(1615) 15.Canzon XIII(1615) 3.Canzon XIV(1615) 16.Sacrae symphoniae(1597) 4.Canzon IX(1615) No.13 Canzon septimi octavi toni a 12 5.Canzon XVIII(1615) 17.Canzon a 12 6.Canzon XV(1615) 18.Canzon VIII 7.Sonata XIX(1615) 19.Sacrae symphoniae Canzon septimi toni No.2 Heinrich Isaac(1450-1634) 8.I. Der Welte Fundt Cari St.Clair, Conductor (Total time:61:10) Adriano Banchieri(1568-1634) 9.Concerto secondo:Magnificat 10.Concerto primo:La Battaglia 11.Concerto terzo:Magnificat Gabriel Diaz(1590-1638) 12.Lauda Jerusalem
Class Brass:Classical Favorites for Brass 1.Procession of the Nobles from Mlada (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov) 2.Polovesian Dances from Princer Igor (Alexander Borodin) 3.Bucharoo Holiday from Rodeo (Aaron Copland) 4.Dance of the Comedians from The Bartered Bride (Bedrich Smetana) 5.Anitra's Dance from Peer Gynt(Edvard Grieg) 6.Morning Dance from Romeo & Juliet(Sergei Prokofiev) 7.Simple Gifts(Aaron Copland) 8.Lt.Kije(Sergei Prokofiev) Wedding Troika 9.Arabian Dance from Nutcracker(Peter llyich Tchaikovsky) 10.Neapolitan Dance from Swan Lake(Peter IIyich Tchaikovsky) 11.Triumphal March from Aida(Giuseppe Verdi) 12.Pavane(Gabriei Faure) 13.Toreador Song from Carmen 14.Slavonic Dance No.8(Antonin Dvorak) 15.Hundarian Dance No.5(Johannes Brahms) 16.Estancia(Alberto Ginastera) 17.Pavane for a Dead Princess(Maurice Ravel) 18.Great Gate of Kiev from Pictures at an Exhibition(Modest Moussorgsky)
Royal Brass:Music from the Renaissance & Baroque 1.Rondeau(Mouret) 2.Five Pieces(Holborne) 3.Ricercar del primo tuono(Palestrina) 4.Canzone seconda a 6(Priuli) 5.Paduana & Galliard(Schein) 6.Elizabethan Dance Suite(Holborne) 7.Canzona bergamasca(Scheidt) 8.Two 15th Century Fanfares(Anonymous) 9.March from Cantata 207a(J.S.Bach) 10-12.Suite in G major(Albinoni) 13-15.Trio Sonata in G major(J.S.Bach) 16.Aria(Handel) 17.Tocata(Froberger) 18.Fugue from Trio Sonata in C major(J.S.Bach) 19.Sarabande(Pezel) 20.Sonata No.49(D.Scarlatti) (Total time:65:15)
Braggin'in Brass 1.Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy 2.Slap Happy 3.Braggin' In Brass 4.Saint James Infirmary 5.Bugle Call Rag 6.Boy Meets Horn 7.Blue Skies 8.Ain't Misbehavin' 9.I'm Getting Sentimental Over You 10.One O'Clock Jump 11.Leader Of The Big Time Band 12.I Must Have That Man 13.Skit-Dat-De-Dat 14.Jungle Nights in Harlem 15.Black & Blue 16.When the Saints Go Marchin'In 17.Black Bottom Stomp
Romantic Brass Albeni Debussy 1.Sevilla 9.Des pas sur la neige Debussy Ravel 2.La Fille aux cheveux de lin 10.Valses nobles et sentimentales(Part I) Falla Granados 3.Miller's Dance 11.Oriental from Danzas Espanolas Rodrigo Debussy 4.Movement II from Concierto de Aranjuez 12.Sarabande transcribed for brass and guitar Turina Turina 13.Fiesta de las Calderas from Cinq 5.SeguiriyaDebussy 14.Pour invoquer Pan Debussy 6.Prelude from Suite bergamasque Turina Turina 15.Jolie Fille - La Maeita del Barrio 7.La marchande de Fleurs(La Florista) 16.Danza from jardin Oriental Ravel 8.Piece en forme de Habanera Tatal time:61:02
Empire Brass on Broadway 1.Phantom Of The Opera:Overture (from Phantom Of The Opera) 2.Hello Dolly (from Hello Dolly) 3.Man Of La Mancha (from man Of La mancha) 4.Macavity Cat (from Cats) 5.Don't Cry For Me, Argentina (from Evita) 6.Mambo (from West Side Story) 7.Easy Street (from Annie) 8.Till There Was You (from The Music Man) 9.Seventy-Six Trombones (from The Music Man) 10.Fugue For Tinhorns (from Guys & Dolls) 11.At The End Of The Day (from Les Miserables) 12.The Lonely Goatherd (from The Sound of Music) 13.Night And Day (from The Gay Divorce) 14.Bali Ha'i (from South Pacific) 15.Put On A Happy Face (from Bye, Bye Birdie) 16. Big Spender (from Sweet Charity)
Class Brass on the Edge 1.Aram Khachaturian:Sabre Dance 2.Camille Sain-Saens:Dance Bacchancale from Samson & Deliah 3.Georges Bizet:Farandole 4.Dmitri Shostakovich:Festive Overture 5.Georges Bizet:Arangonaise from Carmen 6.Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov:Procession of the Sardar from Caucasian Sketches 7.Gabriel Faure:Pie Jesu from Requiem 8.Georges Enesco:Romanian Rphapsody No.1 9.Sergei Prokofiev:March from The Love for Three Oranges 10.Leos Janacek:Allegretto from Sinfonietta 11.Reinhold Gliere:Russian Sailors' Dance 12.Igor Stravinsky:Berceuse from The Firebird 13.Leonard Bernstein:Overture to Candide 14.Jacques Offenbach:Cancan (Total Time:63:27)
Mozart for Brass Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756 - 1791) 1.Overture to The Impresario, K.486 2.Chor der Janischaren, Allegro from The Abduction from the Seraglio, K.384 3.Chor der Janischaren, Allegro vivace from The Abduction from the Seraglio, K.384 4.Rondo alla Turka from Piano Sonata No.11, K.331 5.Contradanse, K.101 6.Die Schlittenfahrt (The Sleighride) from Three German Dances, K.605 7.Adagio in B-flat major, K.411 8.Sonata in C major, K.545 9.Overture to The Marriage of figaro, K.492 10.Kyrie from Requiem, K.626 11.Rondo:Allegro from Quintet in E-flat major for Horn & Strings, K.407 12.March in C major, K.408 13.Overture to The Abduction from the Seraglio, K.384 14.Alleluia from Exsultaate, Jubilate, K.165 Eine klein Nachtmusik, K.525 15.I.Allegro 16.II.Romance:Andante 17.III.Menuetto:Allegretto;Trio 18.IV.Rondo:Allegro (Total time:64:06)
Passage: 138 B.C. - A.D. 161 1.Haec Dies 2.Spiritual Dance 3.Factus Est Repente 4.De Profundis 5.First Delphic Hymn 6.Dilectus Meus 7.Hopper Dance 8.Instrumental 9.Lydian 10.Minimal 11.Peccantem Me Quoridie 12.Scandinavian Chant 13.Si Dolce 14.Sibley Sanctus Lydian 15.Sun Credo 16.The Melancholy of Departure
The World Sings: An Empire Brass Christmas Welcome, Angels We Have Heard on High Ode For Christmas God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen The Holly and the Ivy Carol of the Bells Arabian Dance Good King Wenceslas Coventry Carol Pat-A-Pan Still, Still, Still Little Drummer Boy Bring A Torch Jeanette, Isabella Ave Regina Celorum O Come All Ye Faithful Silent Night Angles We Have Heard On High Oh! G (A Medley of Favorite Christmas Carols) Joy to the World
King's Court and Celtic Fair 1 Calum and the Princess Jig 2 Basse Danse Bergeret 3 13th Century 4 Earle of Oxford March 5 Hamelin Gigue 6 Samhradh' Summertime 7 Amarilli mia bella 8 The Seagull Jig 9 La Mourisque 10 He-Ro-Hirum 11 He Moved Thro' the Fair 12 Sarabande 13 King Arthur Overture 14 Cumulous Sanctus 15 The Foxhunter Jig 16 Tambourin\ 17 Les Niais de Sologne 18 Amazing Grace 19 Joy de Sologne
Empire Brass Greatest Hits 1.Giovanni Gabrieli(ca.1554/57-1612):Canzon septimi toni No.2 from Sacrae symphniae(1597)(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80204 Music of Gabrielli 2.Samuel Scheidt(1587-1654):Canzona bergamasca(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80257 Royal Brass 3.Richard Strauss(1864-1949):Feierlicher Einzug(arr.ROlf Smedvig)Concordia Publishing House(SESAC) from CD-80218 Music for Organ, Brass & Percussion 4.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791):Overture to The Impresario, K.486(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80332 Mozart for Brass 5.Claude Debussy(1862-1918):Prelude from Suite bergamasque(arr.Egil Smedvig) from CD-80301 Romantic Brass 6.Georges Enesco(1881-1955):Romanian Rhapsody No.1(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80305 Class Brass On the Edge 7.Peter Iiyich Tchaikovsky(1840-1893):Arabian Dance from Nutcracker(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80416 An Empire Brass Christmas 8.Giulio Caccini(ca.1545-1618):Amarilli mia bella(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80380 King's Court and Celtic Fair 9.Tylman Susato(ca.1500-ca.1562):Basse Danse Bergeret(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80380 King's Court and Celtic Fair 10.Johann Weck(ca.1495-1536)/Francisco de la Torre(fl.1483-1504):Hopper Dance(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80355 Passage 11.Bedrich Smetana(1824-1884):Dance of the Comedians from The Bartered Bride(arr.Rolf Smedvig) from CD-80220 Class Brass 12.George Gershwin(1893-1937):Summertime from Porgy and Bess(arr.Frank Denson)Chappell & Co.(ASCAP) from CD-80159 Music of Bernstein, Gershwin, and Thomas 13.Cy Coleman(b.1929)/Dorothy Fields(1904-1974):Big Spender from Sweet Charity(arr.Sam Pilafian)Lida Enterprises, Inc./Notable Music Company Inc.(ASCAP) from CD-80303 Empire Brass on Broadway 14.Traditional:When the Saints Go Marchin'In(arr.Sam Pilafian) from CD-80249 Braggin'in Brass (Total 64:48)
Class Brass:Fire Dance(CD-80493)(99 TELARC) 1.Bolero(Maurice Ravel) 2.Turkish March from The Ruins of Athens(Ludwig van Beethoven) 3.Jupiter from The Planets(Gustav Holst) 4.II Vecchio Castello(The Old Castle) from Pictures at an Exbition(Modest Moussorgsky) Concerto in C Major for Trumpet and Organ(Tomaso Albinoni) (transcribed for brass quitet) 5.I.Grave 6.II.Allegro 7.III.Adago 8.IV.Allegro 9.Gnossienne No.2(Erik Satie) 10.Slavonic Dance No.1, Op.46(Antonin Dvorak) 11.Ritual Fire Dance from El amor brujo(Manuel de Falla) 12.Morning Dance from Romeo and Juliet(Sergei Prokofiev) 13.Rondo alla turca from Sonata in A Major(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 14.Two Celtic Jigs:Kesh and Kid on the Mountain 15.Romanza(Rafael Mendez) 16.Slavonic Dance No.5, Op.46(Antonin Dvorak) 17.Rondo from Danserye(Tylman Susato) 18.Bagpipe Music(Bela Bartok) 19.Bagpipes(Bela Bartok) 20.Quant j'ai ouy le tabourin(When I Heard the Drums Playing)(Claude Debussy) 21.Alavonic Dance No.7, Op.46(Antonin Dvorak) 22.Presto Barbaro from On the Waterfront(Leonard Bernstein) (Total 68:17) Solo Trumpet:Rolf Smedvig, Trumpet:Marc Reese Horn:Gregory Miller, Trombone:Mark Hetzler Tuba:Kenneth Amis, Drums:Steev Wilkes with Richard Flanagan(percussion), John Sauer(keyboards) Steve Ide(guitar), Rick Tiven(violin)
Christmas with the Master Chorale & Empire Brass(The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay) Jo-Michael Scheibem, Conductor David Matthew, Accompanist (The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay) 1.Deus in Adjutorium/Vespers(Claudio Monteverdi 1567-1643) 2.Gaudete(arr.Brian Kay) Traditional 3.Jubilate Deo(Giovanni Gabrieli 1557-1612) 4.March(Henry Purcell 1659-1695, arr. Rolf Smedvig) 5.Joy to the World(G.F.Handel 1685-1759, arr.Leroy Anderson(1908-1975), Rolf Smedvig) 6.Resonet in Laudibus(Jacob Handl(1550-1591) 7.O Come O Come Emmanuel(arr.Jeremy D.Silverman(B.1975)) 8.Dance Bergeret(Tielman Susato)(1530-1561) 9.Spanish DancePeter Ilyich Tchaikovsky(1840-1893), arr.Rolf Smedvig 10.Russian Dance(Tchaikovsky, arr.Egil Smedvig) 11.O Magnum Mysterium(Morten Lauridsen, b1943) 12.Angels We Have Heard On High(arr. Kenneth Amis, b1970, Traditional) 13.Carol of The Bell(arr.Rolf Smedvig) Traditional Ukrainian 14.Mid-Winter(Bob Chilcott(b.1955)) 15.Do You Hear What I Hear(Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne Baker, arr.Harry Simeone(b.1911)) 16.In Dulci Jubio(arr.Frank Denson)Traditional, ca.1300) 17.Bell-Tone's Ring(Kenneth Amis) 18.Lux Aurumque(Eric Whitacre(b.1970))(Master Chorale of Tampa Bay Commision, 2000) 19.The Holly and The Ivy(arr.Frank Dension) Traditional 20.O Tannenbaum(arr.Frank Denson) Traditional) 21.Bell Carol(William Mathias (1934-1992)) 22.Go Tell It On The Mountain(arr.Kurt Kncht(b.1971), Traditional, 1999 23.Ding Dong Merrily On High(arr.Jeremy D.Silverman), Master Choral of Tampa Bay Commission, 2000 24.Santa Claus Is Coming To Town(J.F.Coots(1887-1985) and Haven Gillespi(1888-1975) 1934, arr.Rolf Smedvig The Empire Brass Trumpet:Rolf Smedvig, Marc Reese French Horn:Gregory Miller Trombone:Mark Hetzler Tuba:Kenneth Amis Percussion:Steve Wilkes with Robert McCormick(Percussion), Anna Kate Mackle(Harp)